Why we give
We give to see lives changed and communities transformed because of Jesus! We have been called to join him in building his kingdom right here in our city so that all people can come to know his name and experience his life.
Our Giving Funds
1. The Ministry Fund: all ministry and outreach for children, youth, and church-wide discipleship, as well as practical matters such as building utilities, are accounted for here.
2. The Benevolence Fund: this is our compassion fund which helps those in Richmond with tangible needs
3. Food for Life Fund: this enables our weekly community meal as well as meals for Richmond's homeless.
Our Giving Funds
1. The Ministry Fund: all ministry and outreach for children, youth, and church-wide discipleship, as well as practical matters such as building utilities, are accounted for here.
2. The Benevolence Fund: this is our compassion fund which helps those in Richmond with tangible needs
3. Food for Life Fund: this enables our weekly community meal as well as meals for Richmond's homeless.
Ways To Give
Give Online
Give by Automatic Withdrawal
To give in this manner is the most beneficial to our church! Please contact Ruth at office@churchonfive.ca to get set up.
Give In Person